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Managing Spring Allergies

Spring is in the air, which means allergy season is just getting started. Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance. The reaction can inflame sinuses and airways leaving you with a runny nose or watery eyes.

Pollen can trigger allergic reactions and cause you to feel the symptoms mentioned above. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation, pollen allergies affect 6.1 million children and 20 million adults around the world.

How do I know if I have spring allergies?

Common symptoms of spring allergies include:

  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Swollen sinuses
  • Sneezing
  • Itching in the mouth, ears, nose and throat

How do I manage or reduce allergy symptoms?

There are many strategies that can reduce spring allergy symptoms, these include:

Monitor pollen count

Just like normal allergies, a pollen allergy is your body’s way of trying to fight off a foreign substance. Control your pollen allergy symptoms by monitoring the pollen counts so you can limit your exposure.

Limit your time outdoors

Each spring, plants release billions of tiny pollen grains into the air. When you are outside, you breathe in these particles, which can trigger an allergic reaction. While it is important to get fresh air, be aware of the time you go outside and for how long. Try staying inside on windy days or during the early morning hours, when pollen counts are the highest.

Keep your windows closed

This may be an obvious tip, but keep your windows closed to stop pollen from blowing into your household. 

Vacuum and dust frequently

When you spend a lot of time outdoors, pollen particles attach to your clothes, making it easy to follow you into your home. Try vacuuming and dusting your home at least twice a week to avoid any pollen buildup or dust particles in the air of your home. 

Remove your shoes before entering your home

Try to remind yourself to take off your shoes before entering your home to avoid tracking in any pollen.

Take allergy medicine

If those annoying symptoms continue to stick around, you may want to consider over-the-counter allergy medicine such as lubricating eye drops, which help wash away allergens and keep the eyes moist to relieve itchy, watery eyes. Nasal sprays can limit the effect allergens have on your sinuses. 

Spring allergies can have you feeling defeated, but here at Ear and Sinus Institute, it is our goal to get you back on track. If you are experiencing any chronic allergy symptoms, make an appointment with Dr. Marc Dean today!

Make an Appointment
Call Us to Schedule an Appointment: (817) 332-4060
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