Can Headphones Cause Hearing Loss?
In today's world, it seems like nearly everyone is using headphones to listen to their favorite music, podcasts, or audiobooks. However, whether you are using your headphones for work, school, or leisure, it is essential…
What is Swimmer’s Ear and How Can You Treat It?
Swimmer's ear, also known as otitis externa, is an inflammation and infection of the outer ear canal caused by bacteria or fungi. As the name suggests, swimmer's ear is commonly caused by water remaining in…
Postnasal Drip Treatment: 5 Ways to Find Relief
Your nose and throat are connected by a small passageway called the nasopharynx. The glands in your nose and throat produce mucus to clean your nasal lining, moisten the air you breathe, and help fight…
How to Soothe a Sore Throat
Your throat is responsible for a multitude of tasks. Not only does it allow you to speak, but it also helps you swallow and breathe, both functions which are integral to your survival. Unfortunately, the…
6 Ways to Prepare for Seasonal Allergies
As the seasons change, you may begin to notice your allergies act up more than usual. Seasonal allergies may be a nuisance, making it difficult to enjoy the outdoors and leaving you feeling miserable. Sneezing,…
A Comprehensive Guide to Vertigo: Symptoms, Causes, and Remedies
Do you often feel like the room is spinning? Do objects in your field of vision seem to move when you don't? If so, you may be experiencing vertigo, a sensation that the world around…
Everything You Need to Know About Ear Tubes
Ear tubes may go by several names, such as myringotomy tubes, tympanostomy tubes, ventilation tubes, or pressure equalization tubes. Regardless of what they're called, ear tubes are tiny cylinders that are placed in the eardrum…
How to Clear a Stuffy Nose
Dealing with a stuffy nose can be pretty annoying and frustrating, especially when it feels like no matter how many times you blow your nose, the congestion won't go away. The causes of a stuffy…
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Marc Dean, MD is a board certified otolaryngologist, in Fort Worth, Texas, specializing in ear and sinus disease.