Four Home Remedies for Sinusitis
Approximately 37 million people struggle with sinusitis at some point in their lives. If you experience the facial pressure and pain associated with sinusitis, there are a few home remedies to relieve the discomfort. 1.…
Does Smoking Harm Your Sinuses?
Everyone knows smoking is bad for you. Not only does it cause various kinds of cancers, impact your immune system and increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, but it's also harmful to your sinuses and your…
Everything You Should Know About Nasal Polyps
If you deal with constant runny noses and congestion, you may have more than the common cold. What are Nasal Polyps? Nasal polyps are benign tumors that grow in your nasal passages. If the…
Dysphagia: Symptoms and Treatment Options
Swallowing is so simple to a majority of people. However, an estimated 15 million people in the United States suffer from Dysphagia, or trouble swallowing. What are the Kinds of Dysphagia? There are two…
What is a Sinus Headache?
Everyone has gotten a headache at some point in their lives. However, do you know what kind of headache you've had? It's important to get the proper diagnosis for sinus headaches so you can properly…
Are you Listening To Music That is too Loud?
A recent poll of parents found that over 80% say they are concerned that misuse of personal audio technology is damaging the hearing of children. Hearing loss can result from too much exposure to sound…
Swimmer’s Ear Facts
Swimmer's ear, also known as external otitis, is a bacterial infection of the outer ear canal. It's typically caused by excessive water exposure from various activities, such as swimming, diving, surfing and other water…
Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Pediatric sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when a child's breathing becomes blocked as they sleep. Though people of any age can experience obstructive sleep apnea, it most commonly occurs in children ages…
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Marc Dean, MD is a board certified otolaryngologist, in Fort Worth, Texas, specializing in ear and sinus disease.