Why am I Snoring?
According to The American Academy of Otolaryngology, about 45 percent of adults snore occasionally. Though snoring can affect anyone, it is most common in men and people who are overweight. Snoring once and awhile is…
How to Stay Clear of Sinusitis this Winter
Anyone who suffers from sinusitis knows the winter can intensify the sinus headaches, runny nose, inflammation and coughing. Though sinus inflammation most commonly occurs in the spring and summer months due to irritations from allergies,…
Pros and Cons About Ear Tubes for Children
All children get ear infections, but what happens when they become recurring? Myringotomy tubes, or ear tubes, are often brought up as a possible option to reduce the amount of ear infections children get. Here…
Most Common Fall Allergies in Texas
Do your runny nose and itchy, watery eyes get worse when fall hits? You’re not alone. Fall allergies affect more than 35 million Americans. Here are the main contributors that trigger fall allergies: Ragweed -…
Should I Use Q-Tips® to Clean My Ears?
Should I Use Q-Tips® to Clean My Ears?
I'm sure everyone has been told to be careful about sticking Q-Tips too far in their ears. However, it may be a good idea to forgo the use of Q-Tips for cleaning ears all together.…
Treating Nasal Allergies in Fort Worth, TX
Nasal allergies occur when allergens in the air affect the nasal passages. They can be caused by a range of allergens, including pollen, animal dander, mold, feathers and more. So, how can you win the…
Worst States to Live in for Allergy Sufferers
Every state has allergens that cause people to feel the impact of seasonal allergies. However, these states are ranked as the worst states to live in for allergy sufferers based on pollen levels, amount of…
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Marc Dean, MD is a board certified otolaryngologist, in Fort Worth, Texas, specializing in ear and sinus disease.