Cerumen or earwax is produced as a self-cleaning force by the body. It protects the ear from infections and damage. Without earwax, ears can end up dry, itchy, and even infected.
- One should not remove earwax blockage, especially not with a Q-tip. However, when the removal of earwax is necessary, one should keep medical treatment.
What causes buildup?
- Narrowing canal due to infection or skin disease
- Low fluid production
- Overproduction due to blockage in the canal
- Q-tips, hair pins, keys put in the ear
- Hearing aid/earphones
Signs of excessive earwax buildup:
- Earache
- Coughing
- Headache
- Itching
- Discharge from ear canal
If excess earwax buildup is causing you pain and/or hearing loss, please contact one of our patient concierge at 817-332-4060 to schedule an appointment today!